A Conceptual Replication of the Male Warrior Hypothesis Using the Outgroup Threat Priming Method

  • Kunihiro Yokota Hiroshima Shudo University
  • Sho Tsuboi Institute of Applied Social Psychology + Connect
  • Nobuhiro Mifune Kochi University of Technology
  • Hitomi Sugiura Kindai University


A conceptual replication of Yuki and Yokota’s (2009) study to test the validity of the male warrior hypothesis was conducted. They reported that ingroup bias was triggered by the perceptual cue of outgroup threat, based on the use of a priming method in a minimal group situation among men only. In this study, the stimulus of outgroup threat priming and the measurement of ingroup bias were modified to test the effect of outgroup threat priming on ingroup bias. The results revealed the failure to replicate and thus no bias generated by priming among men.

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