Correction to Matsugasaki et al. (2015)

  • Yohsuke Ohtsubo Kobe University


In the article “Two Failed Replications of the Watching Eyes Effect” by K. Matsugasaki, W. Tsukamoto, & Y. Ohtsubo (Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 17-20,, the results section of Study 2 contained errors. The original version read “the proportion of participants who allocated at least one coin to the next participants was .83 (= 20/24) and .96 (= 23/25) in the eye-image and control conditions, respectively, p = .42 by Fisher’s exact test” (in the left column of p. 19). This should read “the proportion of participants who allocated at least one coin to the next participants was .83 (= 20/24) and .92 (= 23/25) in the control and eye-image conditions, respectively, p = .42 by Fisher’s exact test.”
